In a perfect world, your skateboard would always be under your feet.
But this world ain’t perfect and there are a lot of times you’ll end up carrying your board, whether you like it or not.
When it comes to carrying a skateboard, it’s really just about keeping your board, yourself, and others safe.
Sometimes, that may be as simple as watching where you swing and direct the wheels.
Other times, it involves freeing up your hands.
Wherever you need to carry your skateboard, for whatever reason, here are the ways to do it in a variety of situations.
How to Carry Your Skateboard While Walking

If you’re just walking with your skateboard, carrying it is pretty simple.
Simply tuck it under your arm or sling it up onto your shoulders, the same way you would hold it while standing still.
If you’re not sure what that means, see How to Hold a Skateboard.
When you’re walking through crowds, ideally use the under your arm method of holding your board and face the wheels and trucks in toward your body.
This will keep your board the most out of the way and prevent you from getting glares when you accidentally nail someone with a wheel.
Skateboard Shoulder Straps and Bags
If your problem with just one-arming your skateboard is that your arm gets tired carrying it, you do have a couple of bag and sling options to consider.
Skateboard straps or slings are the most basic and cheapest of these options, while skateboard bags and backpacks provide cargo space.
Skateboard Straps/Slings
A skateboard strap is a solidly-built strap with pieces that wrap around the ends of your skateboard and a carrying component that goes over your shoulder.
Think of it like a guitar strap.
There are also straps with two arm pieces that allow you to carry your skateboard centered on your back more like a backpack.
Skateboard Carry Bags
Skateboard carry bags are a little more involved, with either an opening to slide your skateboard in or built-in fasteners that hold your skateboard in place.
These bags typically also have other compartments where you can carry your skate tool and other equipment.
Think of it like a guitar gig bag.
Skateboard Backpacks
Skateboard backpacks are just what they sound like, backpacks designed to carry skateboards.
Think of it like a backpack designed to carry a skateboard.
Whichever type of bag or strap you choose for your skateboard, any of these will make carrying easier when walking longer distances.
How to Carry Your Skateboard On a Bike
If you’re going to carry your skateboard on a bicycle, the important thing is not to be reckless.
You can get seriously injured or injure someone else when you have that dumb, entirely preventable accident.
Instead, get some appropriate equipment.
There are multiple devices that make carrying a skateboard on your bike easy.
You may even have one already installed.
Rear Bike Rack
If you already have a rear bike rack on your bike, that’s a perfect place to carry your skateboard.
And, if you don’t already have a rear bike rack, you can get one.
To attach a skateboard to a rear bike rack, simply lay the board across the rack and strap it down with bungee cords like these:
Make sure you wrap some cord around the trucks and secure it well to the rack, or it can slide off one side and potentially cause an accident.
Just remember, when you have your skateboard strapped to the rear rack of your bike, you’ll need more clearance on both sides while riding.
Do your best not to take off a car mirror or bang your kicktails.
Skateboard Bike Racks
There are companies making bike racks explicitly for skateboards that hold a skateboard vertically on the side of your bike.
These skate racks attach to a bike’s rear rack and get in the way of the rear rack, so they are a bit limiting, but they do eliminate the problem of clearance on the sides of your bike while riding.
So, if you worry about laying your board across your bike rack, it’s something to consider.
Skateboard Backpack
If you don’t have a rear rack on your bike, and don’t want to put one on, you’ll have to carry your skateboard on your body.
To do so on a bike, you should always choose a backpack.
Skateboard backpacks keep boards centered on your back, and higher than other types of skate bags, which is essential for riding a bike safely.
A shoulder strap or bag can let your board swing around or dangle too much, where it can possibly tangle in your wheels or get in the way of your arms.
These types of carriers are simply too hard to control on a bike.
Stick with a backpack.
Situating Your Skateboard in Your Bike Frame
A lot of skate-bikers situate their skateboards into their bike frames so the wheels of their boards hold them in place.
This, in essence, has your board riding between your legs.
While it is a hands-free way to transport your board, please do not do this.
Even if your pedals still turn, the wheels of your skateboard can get in the way of your legs.
And if your skateboard happens to slip and hit the wheels of your bike or your feet…
Trust, if you get an accident while carrying your skateboard this way, you will almost certainly get hurt and will absolutely be at fault.
It’s just not worth it.
How to Carry Your Skateboard On a Motorcycle
If your bike is a big bike with an engine, the same rules still apply, only times 10.
Strap your board to a rear rack or backpack.
There is no other safe way to carry it.
How to Carry Your Skateboard On Public Transportation
Carrying your skateboard onto public transport mostly involves just holding it, but there are a couple of small things you’ll want to keep in mind.
One, you’ll want to be aware of where your board is at all times.
A skateboard is long with jutting parts, and can be obtrusive on a busy subway car or bus.
If the car or bus isn’t too busy (and you’re standing), you can probably just keep your board under your arm and hold it.
But if the car or bus you’re on is busy with a lot of people pushing together, you’ll want to put your board down in front of you.
If you’re standing, just rest one end of the board on the floor and keep a hold of the other end.
If you want to be polite, keep the wheels pointed toward you.
Same deal if you’re sitting down.
Rest the kicktail against the floor and keep the wheels pointed toward you.
Don’t rest your skateboard across your lap on a busy bus or subway car.
It will be in the way of the people sitting on either side of you.
And, if things start to get real, if the bus or subway car starts to fill to capacity, pick your board up and hold it vertically against your chest (standing) or in your lap (sitting).
How to Carry Your Skateboard On a Plane
Last, but not least, what if you are traveling a longer distance, to a place where wheels or your feet alone can’t take you?
If you want to bring your skateboard with you on an airplane, it’s a little more involved, but you can certainly do it.
Just not on your person.
To see how to carry your skateboard on a plane, see “Can You Bring a Skateboard on a Plane?”