A frisbee is more than just a recreational throw-toy. (Though, it’s that too.)
It’s the basis for multiple different disc sports, including disc golf, Ultimate, and Kan Jam.
Much like a ball, a frisbee is a multi-tool, capable of being molded to any number of different games. (Or keeping your excitable pupper entertained for hours on end.)
If you’re headed out for your first round of disc golf or first Ultimate game, these frisbee and disc golf quotes should give you a little dose of inspiration to get into the spin of things.
Frisbee Quotes
These quotes are about frisbee and disc sports in general.
While none of them are specifically Ultimate Frisbee quotes (referencing Ultimate by name), plenty do come from the Ultimate universe.
For the most part, though, these frisbee quotes are good for any and every frisbee situation you might encounter.
- Who’d have thought the Frisbee would have caught on? – Karl Pilkington

2. We used to say that Frisbee is really a religion – ‘Frisbyterians,’ we’d call ourselves. When we die, we don’t go to purgatory. We just land up on the roof and lay there. – “Steady” Ed Headrick
3. It takes lots of repetitions to get down the timing and the overall feel of the disc to gain total control of its flight. – Avery Jenkins
4. When a ball dreams, it dreams it’s a frisbee. – Stancil Johnson
5. Catch the life with the agility of a dog trying to get a hold of the flying Frisbee! – Mehmet Murat Ildan
(This quote also features in Agility Quotes For Some Training Inspiration.)
6. I never really was that passionate about playing sports. But when I was at this Mt. Herman school, I did have the ability to throw the frisbee. So when this sport evolved, it was fun because I was good at it. – Joel Silver (talking about Ultimate)
7. When I have free time, which I wish I had more of, playing frisbee is a great way to get outdoors and have a bit of fun. – Evan Sharp
8. I like playing frisbee. It is the only sport where you can throw something at a person and it’s okay. – Demetri Martin
9. Playing frisbee ain’t about making a living. It’s just about living. – Mitch Hedberg (from the movie Los Enchiladas!)
Disc Golf Quotes
These quotes are specific to disc golf. At least, they were said about disc golf.
But, again, a lot these disc golf quotes can serve as multipurpose frisbee quotes.
And some are just pretty decent life advice.
10. Whoever has the most fun, wins. – “Steady” Ed Headrick

11. We love disc golf; that’s why we play. But it’s okay to want to get better. – Catrina Allen
12. I would go to sleep at a reasonable time because I felt like it would shorten the amount of time I had to wait to go play again. I was literally going to sleep so I could pass the time quicker so I could wake up and go play again. – Jeremy Koling
13. Another great day and a chance to throw things! – Holly Finley
14. The most important thing to remember is remove all doubt and be as confident as possible. This truly goes a long way. – Eric McCabe
15. Disc golf gave me the strength and the confidence to know that I am enough and that I am not lacking no matter how I do whatever it is. I can’t imagine a larger lesson. – Juliana Korver
16. It’s a great feeling walking off the 18th green with an enthusiastic gallery clapping. It’s also great when your feet are still dry after a 4 hour rainy round. – Paige Pierce
17. It’s a fun life, and it’s fun to have this little sliver of fame as a disc golfer and get to throw frisbees for a living. – Nate Sexton
18. Disc golf is a fantastic sport, but it falls under the umbrella of flying disc sports and if you like disc golf you will probably also like some of the other disciplines. – Juliana Korver
19. Most important, just throw. – Patrick McCormick
Want more yuks with your frisbee content? Check out Frisbee Puns (+Disc Golf and Ultimate Puns!).
Just getting started with disc sports? Check out our beginners guide – Getting Started with Kan Jam/Disc Golf (Frisbee Golf).