Shawna Newman

Shawna currently lives in Las Vegas where she gets in lots of great hiking at Red Rock Canyon and Valley of Fire State Park. When she has time, she visits National Parks in a quest to visit each one in the U.S. Shawna’s favorite outdoors activity is hiking and her favorite National Park (so far) is Badlands National Park in South Dakota.

Best Water Sports Helmets for Wakeboarding, Kayaking & White Water Rafting (2024)

Though water sports might seem safer than land sports, there’s still the risk of knocking your head on a rock or something else when out rafting, kayaking or wakeboarding. Sure, wearing a whitewater helmet seems obvious, but it might not occur to you to get one for other water adventures. So, even though it’s not

Best Water Sports Helmets for Wakeboarding, Kayaking & White Water Rafting (2024) Read More »

Buying Guide For Beginners Wakeboard: Best Wakeboards For The Money (2024)

Looking for an adrenaline packed water sport that seems to almost combine skiing or surfing? Then check out wakeboarding, where a rider is tied to a boat that tows them as they glide over water with the wakeboard. The feet are strapped on the board with straps to allow the rider to perform clever tricks and turns (well,

Buying Guide For Beginners Wakeboard: Best Wakeboards For The Money (2024) Read More »